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Head of Year Information

Head of Year Information

Year 7

Aa image

Hello, my name is Mrs Auckland, and I am Head of Year 7. My role as Head of Year is to improve progress and outcomes for students. I endeavor to act as a champion for each student, ensuring that appropriate support is in place to maximize their progress. Alongside, Mrs Edwards, I aim to support students strive to be successful and thriving members of the community. 


As this is your child’s first year at SPA the Head of Year 7 team will support with the following: 

  • Settling into high school life
  • Progress 
  • Homework  
  • Pastoral support  
  • Support your access to additional services such as SEND


All concerns or enquiries are managed on a case-by-case basis so that there can be a personalized approach for each student. This is so we can take students' individual needs into consideration and find the best way to help them to succeed.  


Students can find me in my classroom, A16 (red area), the Year 7 area in the morning (gold area) or in the Head of Year Office (next to science on the middle floor) should they need to discuss anything with me or ask for help.  

Year 8

Mr simpson image

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support throughout Year 7. I now look forward to being your Head of Year 8. As a member of the St Peter’s Family, I am very excited to be given the opportunity to work with such a key year group, about whom I know great things are ahead.


To give you some brief information about myself, I have worked in schools for 28 years and have undertaken roles including Head of Design and a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Having worked on both the academic and pastoral sides of education, I am looking forward to combining these as Head of Year 8. This is where key choices will be made.

The year ahead will be probably the most important of your child’s academic career so far, and I see my role as supporting them at this crucial time to achieve their very best, in close collaboration with their ROCK tutors, teaching staff and with you as parents/carers.


If I can be of any assistance please don’t hesitate to contact me. I assure you of my full commitment to ensure the best outcomes of your child.


Mr J Simpson

Your Student Development Officer is Mrs D Lawton 

Year 9

Craig image

Year 10

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Hello, my name is Miss Dibble and I am the Head of Year 10.  I have the privilege of continuing to lead your child through their time at St Peter's and guiding them to be the best student they can be.  

Our focus, this year, turns towards ensuring students are successful in completion of Key Stage 4.  Moving into the Upper School of the Academy, we expect students to model the high expectations of SPA.  

Alongside Mrs Mills, who will be the Student Development Officer this academic year, we aim to support your child's journey in Year 10 in making positive choices on securing success in their GCSEs and vocational qualifications. 

Important notices and information will be displayed in this section that relates specifically to the Year 10 students.  For all generic messages, please see the main news/information section of this website or social media. 

Students can find me in my classroom (AO8), the PE office (ground floor by Theology) or in the Yellow area should they need to discuss anything or require help. 


Year 11

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Hello, my name is Mr Thompson and I am Head of Year 11. My role is to primarily improve outcomes for students. I work to ensure appropriate support is in place to maximise progress and also develop the attributes needed to be successful at Post 16. Alongside Mrs Stokes, I aim to support students strive to be successful and thriving members of both the SPA family and wider community. 


As we are now in your child’s final year at SPA the Head of Year 11 team will support with the following: 


  • Progress and Outcomes 
  • Revision Support  
  • Post 16 Pathways
  • Pastoral Support  
  • Referral to additional support e.g., Special Educational Needs. 


All concerns or enquiries are managed on a case-by-case basis so that there can be a personalised approach for each student. This is so we can take students' individual needs into consideration and find the best way to help them to succeed.  


Being Head of Year 11 also gives me the privilege to organise Year 11 celebrations such as the prom, leavers hoodies, and leavers assemblies. Information regarding these celebrations will be communicated with you throughout this academic year via the Academy Website, SPA Facebook page and Arbour App.


If you have any concern regarding your child then please contact me.


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