
Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Welcome to Careers!

Welcome to the Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance section of the St Peter’s CofE Academy Website. CEIAG, as its known for short is the programme all students will follow from Year 7 through to Year 11 and then beyond as they make their choices to move into further education.

CEIAG is led in the Academy by Mr Price (Assistant Principal) who organises the Careers program supported by the Careers team of Mrs Sheppard (Work Experience) and Mrs Kent (Careers Advisor).

CEIAG is delivered through PSHE in Years 7, 8, 10 and 11. In Year 9 we have a timetabled lesson per fortnight which delivers a wide range of content during the year around skills and jobs, where to access careers information, CV and application writing, mock interviews and preparation for work experience.

We have staff from a range of faculties delivering these lessons all with a passion to deliver Careers.

If you would like to speak to someone regarding the provision of CEIAG at the Academy or to request a careers appointment for your child, please contact Mr Price or Mrs Kent at the Academy.


Neet Results


The Gatsby Benchmarks

The Gatsby Benchmarks

As an Academy we are constantly working towards the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks which show what a well-rounded careers programme should look like and allow pupils to make informed choices for Post 16:

1. A stable careers programme -

Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by pupils, parents, teachers and employers.

 2. Learning from career and labour market information -

Every pupil, and their parents, should have access to good-quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of available information.

 3. Addressing the needs of each pupil -

Pupils have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each pupil. A school’s careers programme should embed equality and diversity considerations throughout.

 4. Linking curriculum learning to careers -

All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. For example, STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths.

 5. Encounters with employers and employees -

Every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes.

 6. Experiences of workplaces -

Every pupil should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks. 

7. Encounters with further and higher education -

All pupils should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.

 8. Personal guidance -

Every pupil should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a career’s adviser, who could be internal (a member of school staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level. These should be available whenever significant study or career choices are being made. They should be expected for all pupils but should be timed to meet their individual needs.

Personal Guidance

Personal Guidance

In Year 11 every student will receive a one-to-one meeting with our specialist careers advisor Mrs Kent. Meetings are up to an hour long and take place in the career’s office. Our careers advisor will offer objective, careers guidance based on your individual needs. This guidance can include;

• helping you to explore career paths

• discussing further education options

• providing sector specific information or advising where to find it

• showing you relevant resources and services

Through these meetings we can help find the correct pathway for you either through discussion, direction or specific sessions with experts to allow you to access the guidance you need. i.e. armed forces, apprenticeships.

All students will receive a careers interview but if you feel that you would benefit from one sooner rather than later speak to Mr Price or Mrs Kent.

Identifying Skills and Interests

Identifying Skills & Interests

Within the Academy, students will use KUDOS - an online system that asks students about their interests and skills through a series of questions before giving them suggestions of jobs and skill areas they may find compatible and be of interest to them.

As we progress through Y7-Y11 we use KUDOS to build knowledge and understanding of Career roles and how their interests may change over time. In Y9-11 we also utilise the function of CV builders and Application Letter writing, all through the program. When applications are made in Y11, KUDOS also has information regarding further education institutions where suitable courses are available.

Logins for this website have been allocated during lesson time or will be in upcoming events.

Skillsometer (below) can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future. You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji that shows how you feel about each statement. You will be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing.

Post 16 Options

Post 16 Options

After leaving the Academy it is important you know you must stay in some type of education or training until you are 18. There are many options available when you leave the Academy so it is important that you look at what option best suits you, your situation, strengths and interests.

Depending on your strengths and interests you may wish to continue your studies in an educational setting such as a college or sixth form. This means looking at: A levels, T Levels, Technical and Vocational Qualifications, Applied Qualifications or possibly Exam Retakes.

Maybe combining work and study is more suitable where you will improve your skills whilst getting work experience and gain the qualifications that employers need. Try having a look at: Apprenticeships, School Leaver schemes or if you have an EHC you may want to explore Traineeships or Supported internships.

  • A Levels
  • Description: Study a subject you took at GCSE in greater depth or choose a new one like economics, law or psychology. You could take 3 broad subjects you are interested in to keep your career options open or choose ones you need for a specific career.
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Assessment: Mostly exams at the end of the course
  • Level of study: 3
  • Entry requirements: Course dependent, typically 5 GCSEs Grade 9-4 (usually including English and maths)
  • Work experience: Usually 1 week during year 12
  • Leads to: University/college, higher and degree apprenticeships, work
  • Find out more: UCAS Information about A levels


  • T Levels
  • Description: Designed in partnership with employers to give you the skills and knowledge to get on in the workplace. Combines classroom learning with industry placements to prepare you for skilled work or higher-level study. 1 T Level is the equivalent of 3 A levels.
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Assessment: Exams, projects and practical assignments
  • Level of study: 3
  • Entry requirements: Course dependent
  • Work experience: At least 45 days on industry placement
  • Leads to: University/college, higher and degree apprenticeships, work
  • Find out more: information about T Levels


  • Technical and Vocational Qualifications
  • Description: Qualifications which teach you how to do tasks specifically related to the industry and role you want to be involved in.
  • Duration: Course dependent
  • Assessment: Can include coursework, skills tests and exams
  • Level of study: 1+
  • Entry requirements: Course dependent
  • Work experience: Course dependent
  • Leads to: Apprenticeship, work, college or university
  • Find out more: Speak to your local provider or talk to an adviser


  • Applied qualifications
  • Description: Qualifications that give you a broad overview of working in a specific sector, like business, media, engineering, leisure or science and technology. A mix of classroom-based learning with the chance to get some practical skills.
  • Duration: Course dependent
  • Assessment: Course dependent (coursework and exams)
  • Level of study: 3
  • Entry requirements: Yes
  • Work experience: Course dependent
  • Leads to: University/college, apprenticeship, work
  • Find out more: information about applied qualifications


  • Exam retakes
  • Description: If you didn't get the results you wanted, you can re-sit some of your courses or sign up for some new qualifications.
  • Location: School sixth form, sixth form college or further education college
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Entry requirements: 16+
  • Qualifications: Level 2 and 3 qualifications like GCSE, A level and BTEC
  • Leads to: Higher level or degree apprenticeship, further education, higher education, work
  • Find out more: Speak to your school or college careers leader or careers adviser or our careers advisers


  • Apprenticeships
  • Description: Intermediate, advanced higher and degree apprenticeships combine practical on-the-job skills training with off-the-job learning. You'll get training that is relevant to your job and be paid a salary. Start at a level to suit you, with support if you have special needs or a disability.
  • Location: You’ll spend 80% of your time in the workplace and 20% off-the-job with some study in a college, training centre or Institute of Technology (IoT)
  • Duration: A minimum of 1 year
  • Entry requirements:  Will be dependent on the industry, job role and apprenticeship level
  • Qualifications: apprenticeship certificate, diploma, degree and masters depending on level
  • Leads to: Work, next level of apprenticeship, further education, higher education
  • Find out more: information about Apprenticeships


  • School leaver schemes
  • Description: A chance to learn and train with a large company while earning a wage. Offered in sectors like accountancy, engineering, finance, IT, law, leisure and retail. Similar to graduate employment schemes run over a longer period of time.
  • Location: You'll often rotate between different locations with the same company to get experience and it can include distance learning or time in college or university
  • Duration: 3 to 7 years
  • Entry requirements: Usually high-grade A levels or equivalent and a keen interest in the sector you want to work in
  • Qualifications: A university degree and/or professional qualification
  • Leads to: Professional employment
  • Find out more: Directly from company websites


You may be eligible for the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund, which can help with things like books, travel or equipment if you will struggle with education or training costs.

If you have an Education Health and Care (EHC) plan there may be different and more suitable options available to you.

  • Traineeships
  • Description: A course that includes a work placement that will get you ready for an apprenticeship or a job. You’ll get work experience and some help to apply for your next steps. You can also improve your maths and English skills. You’ll get work experience and some help to apply for whatever you do next.
  • Location: You’ll spend a minimum of 70 hours in a work placement with the rest of your time in college or a training centre
  • Duration: 6 weeks to 1 year
  • Entry requirements:  You need to be aged between 16 to 24 or up to 25 with an Education Health and Care Plan with no higher than a level 3 qualification
  • Qualifications: English, maths, digital and work-related qualifications
  • Leads to: Apprenticeship, further education, work
  • Find out more:
    • ask your local college or training provider
    • speak to your school careers adviser
    • speak to your Jobcentre Plus adviser if you receive benefits
    • find a traineeship in your area


  • Supported internships
  • Description: Supported internships are for young people with learning difficulties or learning disabilities, who need extra support to get a job.
  • Location: You'll spend most of your time on placements with an employer, learning skills for work. You'll also get help from a tutor and a job coach in college or with a specialist provider.
  • Duration: A minimum of 6 months
  • Entry requirements: Aged 16-24 with an Education Health and Care Plan
  • Qualifications: GCSE English and maths
  • Leads to: Work, traineeship, apprenticeship
  • Find out more:
    • from your school or local college
    • speak to your social worker or a transition worker
    • speak to your Jobcentre Plus adviser

Labour Market Information (LMI)

Labour Market Information (LMI)

What is LMI?

Labour Market Information or LMI is any data about the labour market. It should flow through all aspects of CEIAG provision as it helps young people explore key aspects about their local area including:

  • The sectors, industries and businesses that operate there
  • The jobs that exist
  • The number and type of job vacancies
  • The sectors and industries that are predicted to grow in the coming years
  • Travel to work patterns
  • The kinds of skills that are/will be required.


Lmi 1st picture


Lmi 2nd picture


Click the widget below to explore and compare key information about occupations. This will support the process of identifying potential careers.

The Careerometer widget provides access to a selection of headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects.

The data is organised by occupation: simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you.


Useful Websites

  • We post a wide range of information on our Academy Facebook page through a Careers Group.
  • We also have a twitter feed @Careers_SPA

General Careers Websites


  • – aims to help you to make the most of your potential by showing how others have used theirs, take the ‘Buzz’ personality profile quiz.
  • – video-based job profile information and skills explorer tool.
  • – a good general careers website and job profile database.
  • – gives clear and comprehensive information about a range of Career Zones (sectors), in an easy to access format. Students can create a profile to help to collate useful information. ’60 second interviews’ giving profile of professionals, provide a useful insight into specific careers.
  •  is another website that helps individuals to consider the full range of options in the future, whether it is further education, apprenticeships, higher education, gap years or setting up your own business.



  • City of Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College. They offer a wide range of vocational subjects and A-levels qualifications.
  • Newcastle and Stafford College. They offer a wide range of vocational and A-levels qualifications.
  • Reaseheath College. Offering a range of practical vocational courses through their Academies of: ‘Animal Equine and Veterinary Care’, ‘Land and Environment’, ‘Health, Sports Science and Performance’, ‘Food and Rural Business’, ‘Engineering, Technology and Construction’ or ‘Foundation Learning & Life Skills’.
  • Stoke College. They offer a wide range of vocational subjects and A-levels qualifications.



  • – offers detailed advice on how to access a range of sectors. Also offers the purchase of resources, compiled in conjunction with professionals working in these fields, designed to enable you to achieve your dream career or course. A selection of these books and online psychometric testing access have been supplied to the School by How2Become.
  •  – lots of information about specific sectors as well as advice on how to create a CV and prepare for interviews.



  • – information about university courses on offer, also the Stamford test to help with ideas about subjects to study.
  • – represents 24 leading universities, source of careers information & advice including ‘informed choices’ a downloadable guide to making post 16 choices.
  • – find out which areas you could access after a particular degree.



  • – this site has useful videos, demonstrating how to complete the online applications for many top companies in the UK, as well as providing detailed information on salaries and interviews. Applications forms can be printed off directly from this site
  • – This is the Government’s hub for careers advice for people of all ages where you can find help with drafting letters, CVs, exploring your skills or seeking careers advice.












If you would like to get in touch for any purpose regarding CEIAG at St Peter’s Academy as a student, parent or provider please contact:

Careers Leader for the Academy – Mr Price

For any other information please refer to the CEIAG Policy or the Provider Access Policy.

Work Experience


As part of our careers programme at St Peter’s CofE Academy, your child will be expected to take part in a work experience placement during Year 10. Students are introduced to Work Experience during the first half term, and all relevant information will be sent home to parents, via the student. Additional support and reminder sessions will be added to ROCK for the remainder of the academic year, to ensure they gain the full potential of what work experience offers.  Below you will find some Frequently Asked Questions, that may help you with any queries you have.


What is Work Experience?

Work experience is a temporary, unpaid, placement that gives students an insight to the world of work. The opportunity for work experience takes place during Year 10. Students must not be paid for their experience, as it is part of their educational curriculum.


What are the benefits of Work Experience?

Work experience opportunities are important in the development of career aspirations and provide a meaningful experience of the working world. The encounter will provide the perfect opportunity for students to confirm the career choices they may have in mind, gain valuable life skills and get a full insight to working life. Work experience will help students to:


  • Develop confidence in their own skills
  • Build resilience
  • Boost their self-esteem
  • Improve communication skills
  • Learn to work as a team
  • Develop new practical skills
  • Problem solve, use initiative and be responsible


When will work experience take place?

There are 2 agreed weeks for work experience. Students can do a maximum of 5 days for work experience. The dates are as follows:

  1. 27th – 31st January 2025
  2. 24th – 28th March 2025


If you are only able to do work experience outside of these dates, please speak to Mrs Sheppard.


How will Work Experience be organised?

Students will receive full instructions on the work experience process, during the first half term. You can find further information on the presentation below. Parents/carers will receive a letter, outlining the process, after this session. You can find a copy of this letter attached, should your child not have brought theirs home.


Students will be expected to source their own placements for work experience. This can be done by researching businesses via search engines, asking friends and family or speaking to staff, particularly Mrs Sheppard, at school.


When students have an agreed placement, they should complete their “Information from an Employer” form and return this to Mrs Sheppard so that a health and safety check can be arranged. It is vital that students make sure that a business has Employers Liability Insurance, without which, the placement cannot take place.


Students will arrange timings, duties, breaks and uniform requirements with the organisation. It is the responsibility of the parents/ carers to inform the employers of any medical/ SEN requirements so that a suitable plan can be put in place to ensure the students’ needs are met. The school is able to support with this, if you have any questions or are unsure of what needs to be put in place.


Students will also be expected to complete a diary while they are at their placement and will have a work experience evaluation meeting, with Mrs Sheppard, on their return to school.


Health and Safety Requirements

All placements are subject to a health and safety check, completed by Entrust. This check is to assess any risks for young people and ensures that adequate control measures are put in place to protect them. Students are expected to comply with all safety regulations in place at the organisation and should take part in an induction on their first day. If the placement is deemed to be unsuitable, the student will be informed of this and will have the opportunity to find an alternative placement.


All placements must have Employers Liability Insurance. Without this, the placement can not go ahead.


Students are not permitted to work unsociable hours (before 7am and after 10pm) therefore, it is vital that students determine what the hours they will be working, before a request is made for a health and safety check. Students will be entitled to a break during their day, timings of which will be arranged with the employer. Most students’ hours will range between 8.00am and 6.00pm.


Students will be required to wear any PPE provided by employers and should check whether any specialist equipment or uniform is needed prior to the placement starting. The school will not be responsible for supplying any equipment so this should be considered when applying for a placement.

Parents/ Carers should also consider what transport the student is using to get themselves to the placement, and whether there are any risks involved in this. Parents will need to give consent for students to walk home during the winter months.


Where to get help

Parents and carers can support students by helping to source a placement and may aide them in contacting employers. You will find a support document attached, that gives a phone and email template for making contact.

If you need support with your application, please contact Mrs Sheppard.

01782 882 500


Work Experience Timeline

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